I had chronic neck, back and leg pain…
When I first came to Dr. Raef a year ago I had chronic neck, back and leg pain. I was taking medicine for pain 4 to 5 times a day and could only work a couple of hours before having to rest with a heating pad. I was also taking sleeping pills and was still waking up with pain in the night. I was having headaches daily. My first visit with Dr. Raef was as extensive exam with many questions and x-rays. When I returned a week later I was shocked by my x-rays and my diagnosis of Lumbas IVD Syndrome, lumbar degenerative disc disease, cervical radiculitis and cervical spine pain. Dr. Raef comforted me and reassured me that he could help relieve some of my pain through the many therapies and adjustments he provides in his facility here in Canyon. He explained in detail the therapies and adjustments he recommended and allowed me to decide how quickly I wanted to move forward. He was very honest about the cost and the length of time he felt was needed.
I decided to move forward aggressively with all treatments and have been very pleased with my recovery. Dr. Raef’s staff are like family and have been encouraging and caring throughout the year. I saw results after several months, and a year later I am free of the chronic pain and no longer on any pain medication or sleeping pills. Dr. Raef most importantly has given me the gift of how to control my health through diet, exercise, positive thinking and an occasional adjustment. I would highly recommend Dr. Raef and staff to anyone who is experiencing pain and wanting to have control of their health back.
– Martha J., Canyon, TX
I constantly had pain in my lower back…
I first came to Raef Chiropractic Clinic in 1998 because I constantly had pain in my lower back. I was in great physical shape due to working out with weights and years of manual labor. I think my back problem started in high school (1978) due to a football injury. My physical condition could not make up for my spinal issues. I noticed a change after my first visit but it didn’t last long due to years of misalignment. Kevin had me come in a couple of times a week for the first four weeks. He then had me come in once a week for four weeks. Then I moved to once every two weeks and eventually to when I needed it. I got to the point where I could tell when I was out of alignment. I would call and book an appointment and most of the time I could get in that day.
Now it is 21 years from my first visit and my spine has continued to deteriorate. It got so bad this last week I felt it was probably time for surgery. I went to see my physician and he gave me some muscle relaxers and pain pills then ordered a cat scan. The pills allowed me to at least sleep and tolerate the pain. It hurt just to take a deep breath. The scan showed I had some major issues and some bulging disc in the lower back.
I called Kevin and asked if he would request a copy of my scan so I could get his opinion. Kevin said the scan did show the continued degeneration of my spine and bulging disc. He suggested we do some decompression treatments. I was up for anything to prevent back surgery. After the first treatment I felt amazingly better. No more pain when I breathed. I could still feel the pain but it was minimal. I was amazed at how much difference it makes. I did not have to take anymore muscle relaxers or pain pills. I am on my forth treatment now and love how it has helped my lower back pain. At first I thought it sounded expensive but for the benefit it is cheap. A lot cheaper than surgery with no recovery time also.
Over the last 21 years I’ve come to know the Raef family and their staff. They have always treated me as a friend as well as a special patient. I have recommended them to several of my friends because of their quality care service and kindness.
– Audie W., Canyon, TX
Once again, Dr. Kevin “fixed” me! I can’t tell you how many times I have come in with pain, he adjusts/treats me, and life is good again!
Thank you yet again. 20+ years of keeping me going strong! Don’t know how I would get by without y’all!– Candace Lipshy Alpar, TX
They are easy to get an appointment with, even if you are a new patient. They are kind and compassionate and make you feel comfortable : ) Thank you Raef Chiropractic!!!
– Leandra Henthorn, TX
I LOVE the doctors here. I highly recommend them if you are needing or thinking about chiropractic care. It’s amazing!!!
– Mandy Adams Vance, TX