For the full list of all side effects reported with Cialis, see the package leaflet. What measures are being taken to ensure the safe and effective use of Cialis? Likewise, if you experience side effects, we may recommend that you try a lower dose of Tadalafil. Cialis is used to treat men with erectile dysfunction sometimes called impotence when they cannot get, or keep, a hard penis erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity. Patients with severe liver problems or kidney problems should not take more than 10 mg in one dose. Cialis can also be used in men to treat the signs and symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia enlarged prostate gland that is not cancerous , which involve problems with the flow of urine. Four main studies comparing Cialis with placebo were carried out in 1, patients with the condition, including some who also had erectile dysfunction.strength safety effectiveness stability quality Usually, generic drugs aren’t available until the expiration of the brand name’s patent. Eli Lilly and Company’s patent for Cialis expired . 20 mg The cost for these different strengths depends on whether you have insurance, your individual plan coverage, and your treatment plan. For example, Cialis for erectile . Drug details Here are some details about Cialis: Drug form: oral tablet Generic version: tadalafil Read on to learn about Cialis and cost, as well as how to save money on .

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